Thursday, October 4, 2012

Department Of Indian Medicine And Homeopathy Chennai.

      The Single Window Counseling for the admission of the students for B.S.M.S/B.A.M.S/B.H.M.S/B.U.M.S/ B.N.Y.S Courses at Government and Self-financing I.S.M. Colleges for the academic 201 -13 was held between 14th and 18th of September 2012 at the Selection Committee office, Arignar Anna Government Hospital of Indian Medicine Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600106 and allotments were made.

2) As on date 13  vacancies have arisen in Government I.S.M. Colleges and 175 vacancies in the Self Financing I.S.M. Colleges, breakup details of which are given  below :

3) For the above vacancies movement counseling will be held on 12.10.2012 at 9.00 AM in the First phase and as a sequence to this counseling a recounseling will be held on the same day in the Second phase for the subsequent vacancies which may arise both in Government and Self-financing ISM colleges.

4) For both the counseling the following candidates will not be eligible to participate:
(a)  Those who were absent during the first counseling
(b)  Those who signed the attendance register but didn't participate in the counseling 
(c)  Those who didn't produce Demand Draft of Rs.5,500/- at the time of counseling
(d)  Those who on their own choice through written declaration opted for Self Financing ISM Colleges, though vacancies existed in Government ISM colleges at the time of their turn.
(e)  Those who received allotment order during the first counseling but didn't join the college opted by them within the last day and time.

5)The candidates who are eligible to attend the movement and the subsequent recounseling as the case may be,  are as follows:
(a)   Those who opted for Waiting list during the first counseling
(b)    Those at the time of their turn,  due to non-availability of vacant seat in Government I.S.M College, have opted and joined self-financing ISM College.
(c)  During their turn during counseling due to non-availability of vacant seat in their opted system of medicine, have opted for a college which offered another system of medicine.

6)Candidates who have participated in the first counseling and tendered a Demand draft for the value of Rs. 5500/- and received their allotment order  need not bring  again a demand draft during this counseling.    Further those who have opted for waiting list should bring  a Demand Draft for the value of Rs. 5500/- from any nationalized bank  drawn on or after 04.09.2012 in favour of  “The Director, Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Chennai – 106”  payable at Chennai.

7)For the Kind attention of All candidates:
The movement and the subsequent recounseling will begin at 9 AM on 12.10.2012. All the candidates who wish to participate in this counseling should sign the attendance register before 10.00 AM so as to enable us to prepare the Merit list.  Late comers on any account will not be included in the Merit list and allowed to participate in the counseling. 

Issued By:- DIPR,Secretariat, Chennai - 9.

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