Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board Online Application for Consent under Air and Water Act.
Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB), established in 1982, celebrated its silver jubilee during this year. Functions with Head Office at Chennai, headed by Chairman, Member Secretary, one Additional Chief Environmental Engineers and Joint Chief Environmental Engineers, nineteen District offices headed by District Environmental Engineers and five District offices headed by Assistant Environmental Engineers.
To assist in the Analytical and Scientific side, the Board has established three Advanced Environmental Laboratories, ten District Environmental Laboratories and one Mobile Environmental Laboratories.
TNPCB is implementing the Pollution Control Legislations and Rules and Notifications framed therein. In discharging the duties entrusted to it, the Board investigates, collects and disseminates data relating to water, air and land pollution, lays down standards for sewage/trade effluent and emissions.
Online Application for Consent : http://www.pcboac.tn.nic.in.
Instructions for filling-up the Online Application Form : http://www.pcboac.tn.nic.in/Docu/ReadMe.pdf
Sample filled-up Online Application Form :http://www.pcboac.tn.nic.in/Docu/SampleApplnForm.pdf
Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB), established in 1982, celebrated its silver jubilee during this year. Functions with Head Office at Chennai, headed by Chairman, Member Secretary, one Additional Chief Environmental Engineers and Joint Chief Environmental Engineers, nineteen District offices headed by District Environmental Engineers and five District offices headed by Assistant Environmental Engineers.
To assist in the Analytical and Scientific side, the Board has established three Advanced Environmental Laboratories, ten District Environmental Laboratories and one Mobile Environmental Laboratories.
TNPCB is implementing the Pollution Control Legislations and Rules and Notifications framed therein. In discharging the duties entrusted to it, the Board investigates, collects and disseminates data relating to water, air and land pollution, lays down standards for sewage/trade effluent and emissions.
Online Application for Consent : http://www.pcboac.tn.nic.in.
Instructions for filling-up the Online Application Form : http://www.pcboac.tn.nic.in/Docu/ReadMe.pdf
Sample filled-up Online Application Form :http://www.pcboac.tn.nic.in/Docu/SampleApplnForm.pdf