Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Summary of Polytechnic Colleges of Tamil Nadu.

  Government of Tamil Nadu Directorate of Technical Education had launched  e-Governance Portal for Technical Institutions. This portal is special portal for Engineering , Polytechnic Students and the technical institution.

Technical Institution e-Governance Website Link : http://intradote.tn.nic.in/Default.asp

Polytechnic students corner is to know about examination result  and attendance information of polytechnic students using with their register number.

Citizen corner is to verify the diploma certificate genuineness of anyone and to view the certificate copy.

Polytechnic College corner is for institution purpose only.

District-wise Summary of Polytechnic Colleges of Tamil Nadu.

Know your Scholarship Processing Status.

       Government of Tamil Nadu Directorate of Technical Education had launched  e-Governance Portal for Technical Institutions, where the students of Engineering and Polytechnic know about their Processing Status of Scholarship.

Click here to see  login  page of Scholarship System.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP).

       Tamil Nadu is one of the States in India having significant number of dams and there is a constant need to strengthen and maintain the dams important to ensure that Dam structures and systems are properly maintained by regular monitoring and rehabilitation.

       Four states namely, Kerala, Madya Pradesh, Orissa and Tamil Nadu have been selected for the DRIP.

       In Tamil Nadu 66 WRD (Water Resources Department) dams and 38 TNEB (Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) dams were selected for DRIP with a preliminary project proposal of Rs.745.49 Crores. The duration of the project is 6 years and the project is likely to commence after signing of agreement.

       Click here to know about Tamil Nadu DAMs.

       Institute for water studies Activities.
       Water quality parameters and drinking water standards.