Government Of Tamil Nadu, Information Technology Department announced Safe & Ethical Artificial Intelligence Policy 2020
Following are the primary objectives of this Policy –
1. To provide a framework for inclusive, safe & ethical use of Artifi cial Intelligence in Government domain and to build fairness, equity, transparency and trust in AI assisted decision making systems.
2. To establish guidelines for the evaluation of an AI Systems before it’s rolled out for Public use.
3. To build a mature and self-sustaining Artifi cial Intelligence community to aid the growth of Artifi cial Intelligence in Tamil Nadu and to train and skill people in Tamil Nadu in Artifi cial Intelligence.
4. To provide access to Open Data, Data Models, and Computing Resources.
5. To build a regulatory sandbox that can be used for researching, building and deploying Artifi cial Intelligence based applications by Start-ups, Private and Public Enterprises, and Academia.
6. To promote investments in AI R&D in Tamil Nadu.
In a path breaking ICT Initiative, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu had recently announced setting up of a “Center of Excellence in Emerging Technologies (CEET)” under the aegis of Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency (TNeGA). The Center has been set up and has started functioning with few resources in place. CEET is mandated to work with government departments and help them solve their key governance problems with help of emerging technologies such as Artifi cial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, Drones, Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR) and others. CEET has started conceptualizing and developing solutions for problems from health, education, rural development department, agriculture and land registration departments. A few solutions using Image Recognition have been developed and are ready to roll out at scale. In addition, CEET also extensively engages with Startups and provides them with opportunities, resources and mentoring to help them solve problems with high social impact and big scale.
>>Click Here for TN Safe & Ethical Artificial Intelligence Policy 2020