Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy 2012.

Vision Of The Government Of Tamilnadu :

     The Honourable Chief Minister Selvi J Jayalalithaa has a vision of developing Tamil  Nadu  as  a  world  leader  in  Solar  Energy  by  establishing  3000  MW  by 2015.

     Tamil Nadu is committed to leading the country by generating 3000 MW of Solar Power by 2015 through a policy conducive to promoting solar energy in the State. This Government headed by the Hon’ble Chief Minister Selvi J Jayalalithaa, intends to make Solar Energy a people’s movement just as it did earlier in the case of Rain Water Harvesting.

Research And Development And Capacity Building:

     Research and Development on solar technologies / solar thermal storage systems, testing facilities towards the development of solar technologies will be encouraged. Technology Demonstrations on innovative projects in association with reputed institutions will also be encouraged.

     To effectively implement this policy and to achieve the intended objectives, the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) will promote capacity building in the area of Solar Energy.

Click Here for more details : Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy 2012.

Energy Department,Government of Tamil Nadu. 

Counselling for the Graduate Assistants.

Counselling for the Graduate Assistants recruited through Teachers Recruitment Board for Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Schools.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Notice for Public - TNPCB.

Noise Standards for Fire-crackers.

(The Noise standards for fire-crackers were notified by the Environment (Protection) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1999 vide G.S.R.682(E), dated the 5th  October, 1999 and inserted as serial no. 89 of Schedule I of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986. Subsequently these Rules were amended by the Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, 2006 vide G.S.R. 640(E), dated the 16th October, 2006, under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986).

  • The manufacture, sale or use of fire-crackers generating noise level exceeding 125 dB(AI) or 145 dB(C)pk at 4 meters distance from the point of bursting shall be prohibited.
  • For  individual  fire-cracker  constituting  the  series  (joined firecrackers), the above mentioned limit be reduced by 5 log 10(N) dB, where N = number of crackers joined together.

The broad requirements for measurement of noise from fire-crackers shall be

  • The measurements shall be made on a hard concrete surface of minimum 5 meter diameter or equivalent.
  • The measurements shall be made in free field conditions i.e., there shall not be any reflecting surface up to 15 meter distance from the point of bursting.
  • The measurement shall be made with an approved sound level meter.

The Department of Explosives shall ensure implementation of these standards.

The fire-crackers for the purpose of export shall be exempted from the sub paragraphs A, B and C above, subject to the compliance of the following conditions, namely:-

  • The manufacturer shall have an export order;
  • The fire-crackers shall conform to the level prescribed in the country to which it is exported;
  • They shall have a different packing color code, and
  • There shall be a declaration on the box “not for sale in India” or “only for export in other countries”.
Note:  dB(AI): A-Weighted impulse Sound Pressure Level in decibel
           dB(C)pk : C-Weighted Peak Sound Pressure Level in decibel.

-Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Chennai -32

Monday, November 5, 2012

State Health Society - Tamil Nadu.

State Rural Health Mission was launched in Tamil Nadu on 12.4.05 with the view to bring architectural correction of the health system to enable it to effectively handle increased allocations and promote policies that strengthen public health management and service delivery as prescribed under the NRHM of India. The programme is for the period of 2005-2012. The programme is funded by Government of India.

Family Welfare:
  • To improve the safety and efficacy of family welfare services.
  • To implement a State specific Safe Abortion Policy, which covers availability of safe abortion services and emergency contraception at all levels of health care.
  • To increase access to spacing methods with specific focus on improving IUD utilization.
  • To shift the camp approach to Fixed Day Service (FDS) approach in all the Primary Health Centres.
  • To increase access of prospective clients for terminal family planning methods, especially in pockets of higher order birth.
  • To promote NSV as a method for increasing male participation in family planning.

Other Programmes: